Ganesh removes obstacles and liberates us to reconnect with clarity in awareness of our humble place as stewards of the resources that support all life on planet earth.
A sacred symbol of Katra represents Holy Mother Wisdom Love becomes sparked in your spirit body to connect you with your High Self to inspire your personal intuitive alchemy gifts and psychic talents to fulfill your Life Purpose in service to others.
A sacred symbol known as Liberty represents the connection with our beloved Ganesha is sparked in your spirit body. This awakens you to your primordial spiritual connection with spirits of Earth Mother, chakras, ley lines, animals, plants, fungi, trees, waterways, oceans, fish, birds, insects, and all life forms created by the wisdom of Creation in the original blueprint in perfect harmony with human life. We belong here and it's up to us to be good stewards of this beautiful sphere that supports so much beauty and diversity of life.
This course requires that students have Wisdom Dakini training. The symbol activations provide claircognizance with awareness of your High Self access to your Akashic records.You become self-empowered with metaphysical gifts and abilities. This gives you the ability to share the Katra spark activations in trainings and advanced practices with Katra and Liberty in sessions.
Some of the effects from Spark of two symbols you receive are:
- Opens, enlivens, and aligns the soul star, crown, and third eye chakras which connects like a rocketship to high self revealing personal purpose.
- Inspired thoughts and creative solutions arise at perfect timing.
- Compassionate concern for all life on earth develops quickly.
- A humble awareness of humanity's place among the animals, plants, trees, begins the process to reconnect us with our original primordial blueprint.
- All encompassing awareness of the global picture rapidly develops.
- A powerful sense of personal dignity feels true as a natural way of being.
- Intelligent cooperation and discernment with respect for each person's vital role becomes an easy way to operate in groups.
- You feel calm and in control.
- Competency is enhanced.
Two Days 9am - 5pm Contact Deborah for scheduling
One Hour Lunch
Fee $933
Deborah (503) 706-0908 or email [email protected]
Peter 503-468-8038 or email [email protected]
In this training you will:
- Connect more powerfully with your personal nature as Divine Wisdom.
- Feel the gentle nurturing Katra symbol with the Spark of practical Wisdom.
- Practice your Guru Yoga for clear alignment with natural primordial wisdom.
- Learn the story of the two symbols.
- Learn to draw two symbols.
- Receive the Katra symbol activated with a Spark in your spirit body.
- Receive Liberty symbol sparked in your spirit body.
- Learn to give Katra, Wisdom Dakini, and Katra Priestess trainings in person and online.
- Learn to give the Katra Spark activations for symbols.
- Learn to connect with Padma and the Wisdom Dakinis to give a Spirit Attachment Release process for individuals.
- Learn to connect with Padma and the Wisdom Dakinis to be guided to clear spirits of place on land and in homes in person and from a distance.
- Learn to give a Katra Healing Spark in person and from a distance.
- Learn to use intuitive practices to identify and release harmful energies from a person's energy field in person and from a distance.
- Receive a handout with guidance for how to use the magnetic swiping along the governing meridian for release of patterns of harmful energies.
- Rapid development of clear knowing for use of intuitive energy release processes.
- Your senses, including sixth sense, become more fully developed.
- Learn to give a Katra Forgiveness healing experience.
- We provide a course outline and digital training manual for giving Katra training, a course outline and digital manual for Wisdom Dakini training, and a course outline and digital manual for Katra Priestess training.
Use the link in the button below to select your training dates, register, and pay
Listen to the audio guidance provided in the YouTube link below to enliven your connection with your root guru.