Katra Sessions
Behavior Management, Stress Reduction, Relieve Anxiety, Depression

A Katra treatment provides an intuitively guided uniquely personal experience to release energy patterns that are the root cause of any health or life situation. Then you receive a table session to channel Divine Light to reestablish intelligence of harmony in the energy system so the body can heal.
We channel Katra energies that are deeply healing - evolved from Usui Holy Fire® /Karuna Reiki® .
Sessions begin a deep healing that continues to unfold for days afterwards.
Fee $125 or $80 for weekly repeat sessions
We channel Katra energies that are deeply healing - evolved from Usui Holy Fire® /Karuna Reiki® .
Sessions begin a deep healing that continues to unfold for days afterwards.
Fee $125 or $80 for weekly repeat sessions
We proivde a link to make a gratitude donation.
® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks from William Lee Rand.