Since 2010 I have come to know myself as spiritually gifted for working with the human energy system. It uses an iintuitive process to identifiy the energies to release. I have used meditation, Reiki, and an intutive practice known as kinesioogy which is muscle testing. I use my highly developed intuitive connection to help myself and others as I release energies that interfere with the natural harmony and balance of the subconscious intelligent field that governs health, mental mindset, and emoitonal intelligence. I found a way to understand my emotions, thoughts, and spiritual nature in new ways - as vibrational patterns of energy. I use methods to identify and remove energies to restore a holistic balanced way of being that is grounded in superb health and vitality. I use Reiki energy channeled through me for myself and others over the past 30 years. This built my sense of trust in my inner guidance to show me how to use deliberate and direct intuitive energy release with use of a magnet swiped along the governing meridian.This is a real science breakthrough when it comes to supporting the body's intelligence to maintain healthy states of homeostasis. It all starts with energy and ends with energy as we are all energy!
Intuition plays a big role in use of energy practices for determining what is needed and sometimes we just don't, won't, or can't know exactly what it is, yet will know how to release it, so we develop a relationship of trust in our inner guidance tuned into the altruism that exists in the spiritual wisdom of compassionate intelligence. Intuition is a way to tune into what's true in the moment to identify the unseen energies., It can be built like muscle strength with repeated use of practices on yourself and for you share it. I have been using intuitive guidance techniques for over 30 years.
Evidence based improvements are identified and can be measured by science.This is a breakthrough that ties us to spiritual acuity as a vehicle to maintain good health and happy relationships. I'm totally impressed by this approach in reclaiming health and vitality, mental acuity, joyful emotional intelligence, with spiritual awareness more clearly defined and developed when the patterns are released. We notice sleep improvement, healthier food choices, and nurturing lifestyle changes are easier to sustain. This reduces stress caused from unhealthy habitual ways of being in daily life. Stress is an unhealthy energy that is the root cause of disease in the body. Stress release allows your body's wisdom to sustain balance in the organs and systems operations in harmony with optimal health.
As a Divinely appointed Terton, a Reiki Master, and a successful health and life coach, I guide clients to become good stewards for their connection to Reiki as a loving presence. I support them to learn how to reclaim their authority with health management, mental acuity, and emotional intelligence. Self love develops naturally and they become aware of their body's ideal foods, beverages, and ways of being to support vibrant health, joyful living, and fullfilling relationships.
Development of My Gifts as a Spiritual Alchemist
I am a Terton, a carrier of the sacred Dharma, which provides a direct and clear connection with Padmasambhava, Jesus, Goddesses, and the Wisdom Dakinis in a very special personalized way. It is a joyful life mission for me to be able to share this beautiful direct personal access so others will know the same sacred wisdom teachings through the trainings we share here. As a spiritual alchemy therapist I have developed intuition over years of practice with meditation, Reiki, and applied kinesiology. The 'attunements" aka "Placements and Ignitions" aka "Spark" provide alignment with and use of Reiki symbols, spiritual symbols of all kinds when activated with these methods open the pathways to higher consciousness - each with specific purpose. In my experience after two decades of Ishaya Ascension meditation practice combined with regular use of Reiki 15 symbols and daily use of kinesiology my intuitive mind has become aware of a source of clear altruistic guidance. This is critical to identify and release the harmful energy patterns from the electro-geomagnetic field of information that are responsible for many types of life and health problems. Some are passed through your lineage.
Several essential focused ways of being have helped me develop an awareness of a new paradigm for health management based on self-empowerment. This requires a commitment to develop intuitive (inspired) awareness through the practices of Reiki spiritual energy for self and others, regular daily meditation (20 minutes), self-nurturing with delicious healthy food, and mindful intention to align with the five Usui Precepts.
Just for Today I will not worry
Just for Today, I will not anger
Just for Today, I will be grateful
Just for Today, I will earn my living honestly
Just for Today, I will honor and be kind to all living things
The Toltec Way - The Four Agreements.
Always do your best
Don't make assumptions
Never take anything personally
Always speak your truth
My self-awareness continues to be enhanced through use of a daily meditation practice I began in 2004. Ishaya Ascension is a powerful practice that releases mental stress in a natural easy way. The practice develops clarity with present moment as a broader scope of awareness enlivens multi-dimensions and all encompassing perspective. This practice has greatly enhanced my connection to High Self awareness and as a further enhancement of my intuitive awareness that guides spiritual alchemy practices.
Reiki is an integral part of my personal spiritual development complimenting and empowering guidance as a spiritual alchemy therapist. As a witness to my own and others experiences of improvements for health and life I have faith in the effectiveness of each of the spiritual alchemy practices I employ. These processes have helped me to grow my faith in an awareness that I am loved - as we all are - just as we are - seen as perfect through the eyes of an Ever-Loving Source of all Kindness, Wisdom, Respect, Forgiveness, and Unconditional Love. This awareness has become a personal truth that lives in my heart's knowing of a higher Love. This awareness has brought inner peace, contentment, and a sense of personal safety.
It has also helped me with sustained good health and a fulfilling sense of life purpose that has taken me deep into the ancient wisdom teachings of energy medicine. This quest was further driven by a desire to support my husband, Peter, in releasing symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Our journey together with these practices has provided each of us with profound healing. We co-authored a report about how Reiki and the energy release practices helped to ease Peter's Parkinson's symptoms. We each wrote from our perspective over an 18 month period from January 2016 until we published it on academia.edu on June 8, 2017. You can access the complete report by clicking Parkinson's Disease and the Human Energy System.
As an Usui Reiki practitioner and teacher over several decades of engagement I have developed a clear awareness and faith that there is a Universal force that supports us right where we are each moment so all we need to do is to tune into this truth as a way of experiencing life. With regular engagement it became easier to let go of my figuring-out mind's need to know something in advance in order to feel safe in the present moment. This developed for me an inner peace that's become unshakeable.
This quiet place within me has allowed for me to develop skills with dowsing aka pendulum testing. I invite and engage with beloved altruistic beings of wisdom who assist me to identify harmful energies trapped in the bio-field of information aka energy body. There can be personal and ancestral trapped emotions, psychic traumas, family curses, spells, miasms, and other energy patterns that cause pain, disease symptoms, dysfunction in the organs and systems, along with difficulties with clear communication, love relationships, finances, sex life, career, and more. Once these energies are identified, they are quickly cleared and released with focused intention while swiping a magnet along what's known in Chinese medicine practices as the governing meridian.
After I provide the clearings for whatever issue we are addressing I share Reiki which allows the Wisdom of Unconditional Love to engage with the person's energy field to release any additional patterns and instill harmony and balance to the system.
My Beloved Spiritual Masters, Gurus, Training, and Practices
I learned traditional Usui Reiki with my first Reiki Master, Carolyn Halima Adams, in 1994-1996, taking first, second, and master level training over two years. Reiki gave me a direct way to access God's Love. It has profoundly impacted my life because after my teen trauma heart wound of first love's suicide I had given my life to be directed by God. Reiki shared spiritual wisdom, as I managed a real estate career while I raised my three girls on my own from 1993 -2005. Reiki has directed my life to develop my skills as a Reiki Master Teacher, Practitioner, Spiritual Wisdom Teacher, and Energy Healing Therapist. I am grateful to live my life's passion and purpose knowing that my life has been healed through this perfect grace and compassionate wisdom. Reiki News Magazine published my stories: How Reiki Guided My Life, Reiki Heals a Broken Heart, and A Bridge of Love With Reiki.
In 2004 I was introduced to Ishaya Ascension Meditation, a meditation used for thousands of years reintroduced for this important time in human consciousness evolution by a group of Ishaya teacher monks who had an ashram where I lived in Lincoln City, Oregon. I learned the basics of first sphere Ascension on a weekend course and then followed through over decades of time to add in more of what is referred to as the attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion. The process involves using simple phrases of Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion to subdue and clear the stress of a busy mind. After prolonged use of the meditation, the mind comes to a place of perpetual exalted consciousness which is the perfect balance of the right and left brain functions of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This helps a great deal to develop the intuitive guidance needed for spiritual healing processes.
Om Jai Jai Sai Maa!! In 2007 I met Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi in Vail, Colorado. I had first seen her in a video and I was immediately drawn to her. I met a partner who invited me to spend a week in her grace-filled presence with spiritual expansion, healing, and lessons every day. I spent another week with her in Vail in 2008, which included a personal session and special training as a professional energy therapist. She transmitted deep personal healing. I was honored to learn a great deal about spirituality in a very broad all encompassing way with no specific religious context. I received a sacred darshan experience with Her Holiness Sai Maa in a lovely ceremony. We walked to her on our knees, gave her a rose; a symbolic gift for the precious opportunity to place our forehead at her feet to absorb her wisdom. You can watch the video of Her Holiness Sai Maa below to receive guidance for awakening to the higher realms of consciousness.
In 2010 I felt a call to go to Glastonbury, UK, to take my second Master level Usui Reiki training with William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. It was a trip of a lifetime etched in my memory forever. I felt a comfortable familiarity with the area of Glastonbury. Everywhere I went I felt the presence of Jesus and his family. I meditated at the Chalice Well Garden, climbed up Tor Hill and saw the thorn tree that had sprouted from Joseph of Aremethia's staff as written about in the bible. William Rand taught Advanced Reiki Trainings at the Abbey Retreat Center in Glastonbury and gave us the Usui Master attunement in the center of Stonehenge. I believe that Jesus was a mystic arts master who knew how to raise a vibration of Holy Love for large groups of followers and prepared himself for the crucifixtion and ascension in order to return to us at this time with new teachings that show us our true spiritual nature and abilities to do some of the things that he did like healing. We access Him through the very special trainings that I have taken, actiavtions of spiritual truth alignment found in the ignitions of Usui Holy Fire and sparks in Wisdom Dakini and Goddess Reiki that align us powerfully with the divine feminine healing aspect of compassionate wisdom.
After this amazing journey of awakening to the power of advanced Reiki I used the practices all summer to prepare me to continue my training with William when I attended a Karuna Reiki class in Seattle in the fall of that same year. In this important training he led us in a meditation, an inward vision experience, to a palace in a high place where I received a sacred symbol that I came to know as the symbol Katra. This symbol represents the Divine Feminine empowerment to enlighten the people of the earth to know their true spiritual nature and provides access to receive the ancient wisdom teachings from five Wisdom Dakinis that I became aware of years later in 2022 when Peter and I recieved the powerful Wisdom Dakini symbols just after he completed writing the book "Yeshe".
From there I began teaching and sharing Reiki healing sessions more actively. I began a new course of studies with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition as I built a practice as a certified Health and Life Coach, Reiki therapist, and instructor. The Institute introduced me to a very important concept of health - that we are each a bio-individual! There is no one person exactly like another so regardless of the diagnosis given we each have a unique blueprint for how the situation with our health occured and what each of us would need to resolve it. This impacts my relationship with the intelligence of the bio-field aka energy blueprint and the import to development of intuitively guided kinesiology to identify the patterns to release which further develops intuition to connect with our Altruistic guides who inform us of what to do in Reiki and energy release therapy sessions.
I worked for five years as a Health and Life Coach and Usui Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher in the Salem and Portland, Oregon areas. I gave many talks and workshop events, and appeared on several radio shows. Then in summer of 2015 I reconnected with an old friend, Peter Huhtala. He was in need of spiritual healing to help with Parkinson's symptoms.
I had found and cleared an energy pattern called a heart wall. It consisted of trapped emotional energies from my grandparents in my heart chakra. Once discovered and released I was able to feel the real experience of giving and receiving expressions of love.
My beloved husband, Peter and Holy Fire Reiki came to my life in 2015. It was so easy to fall in love with my childhood friend! A newly evolved style of Reiki called Holy Fire® came into my life in November of 2015 just a few months after I started dating my husband Peter. Peter was ready for Reiki! He immediately connected with the grace and peace and found improvement in his sleep. We both noticed that adding in Holy Fire® II Reiki combined with Usui and Karuna Reiki® provided the most significant reversal of symptoms of what was diagnosed for Peter in 2003 as "Parkinson's Disease". I was guided to use other therapy practices combined with Reiki to reduce and heal symptoms. We both have followed the continually evolving Holy Fire® Reiki to the most recent upgrade in April 2020, Online Holy Fire® III Reiki. It has been a remarkable recovery story for Peter! Just 18 months after his first encounter with Reiki he wrote an article about his journey with PD and our love connection that was published in Winter 2016 issue of Reiki News Magazine. Parkinsons Disease An Opportunity for Reiki Healing. Since then it has only gotten better and better.Flash forward to present day and he still uses Reiki and Wisdom Dakini practices to effectively manage his symptoms each day. We've noticed that his symptoms have almost completely disappeared and he has been reducing his medications. When we first started Holy Love Reiki services together in January 2016 we began documenting his progress with use of Reiki and other intutively guided energy release therapies to subdue his daily symptoms. It was published on acedemia on June 9, 2017. We recently made it available as a book publication on Amazon. Parkinsons and Human Energy Systems
As I said, my husband, Peter, took to Reiki immediately and his experience brought him into contact with his root guru, Master Padmasambhava. He introduced me to Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsoygal, and the Wisdom Dakinis in 2016. Shortly after we moved in together he was inspired to write a screenplay about Yeshe and her life in eighth century Tibet where she became enlightened after meeting and following the Lotus Born Master Padmasamhava. I had never heard of them before. Flash forward five years to spring of 2022 he wrote and published the book "Yeshe" taken from the screenplay. At that time I became awakened to my relationship to the Great Master Padmasambhava and Yeshe along with four other amazing Wisdom Dakinis, Tashi, Kalasiddhi, Shakya Devi, and Mandarava. Along with this amazing realization came five symbolic keys to give us access to each of them and the ancient Buddhist wisdom teachings they share. The symbol that was given to me in the meditation in my Karuna Reiki class in 2010 became a very important part of my connection with these five Wisdom Dakinis and also to my regular Usui Reiki practice. We've been shown to use the Katra symbol to activate the five Wisdom Dakini symbols and the three Usui Reiki symbols in the spirit body in a teaching which we've come to know as Usui Goddess Reiki. Once Wisdom Dakini symbols are activated they provide a direct link to each of the Wisdom Dakini teachers of ancient Buddhist Teachings that are gradually and easily introduced into the person's consciousness to develop a more wise and compassionate way of being.
I am also known as Mahaseva Devi, This translates to "Great Service Goddess". This is because of the work that I have come to do with the collective conscious field of information as clearings and dedications - creating opportunities for new choice and always aligned with each person's free will. This practice and all of the practices that I use always honor human free will.
Call or Text me to schedule an energy therapy session or inquire about receiving spiritual training at 503-706-0908 or email at [email protected].
Get more enjoyment from life: at the end of each day, appreciate the events that brought you the most joy. Count all of the things you accomplished that day and give yourself a big hug of gratitude.
Since 2010 I have come to know myself as spiritually gifted for working with the human energy system. It uses an iintuitive process to identifiy the energies to release. I have used meditation, Reiki, and an intutive practice known as kinesioogy which is muscle testing. I use my highly developed intuitive connection to help myself and others as I release energies that interfere with the natural harmony and balance of the subconscious intelligent field that governs health, mental mindset, and emoitonal intelligence. I found a way to understand my emotions, thoughts, and spiritual nature in new ways - as vibrational patterns of energy. I use methods to identify and remove energies to restore a holistic balanced way of being that is grounded in superb health and vitality. I use Reiki energy channeled through me for myself and others over the past 30 years. This built my sense of trust in my inner guidance to show me how to use deliberate and direct intuitive energy release with use of a magnet swiped along the governing meridian.This is a real science breakthrough when it comes to supporting the body's intelligence to maintain healthy states of homeostasis. It all starts with energy and ends with energy as we are all energy!
Intuition plays a big role in use of energy practices for determining what is needed and sometimes we just don't, won't, or can't know exactly what it is, yet will know how to release it, so we develop a relationship of trust in our inner guidance tuned into the altruism that exists in the spiritual wisdom of compassionate intelligence. Intuition is a way to tune into what's true in the moment to identify the unseen energies., It can be built like muscle strength with repeated use of practices on yourself and for you share it. I have been using intuitive guidance techniques for over 30 years.
Evidence based improvements are identified and can be measured by science.This is a breakthrough that ties us to spiritual acuity as a vehicle to maintain good health and happy relationships. I'm totally impressed by this approach in reclaiming health and vitality, mental acuity, joyful emotional intelligence, with spiritual awareness more clearly defined and developed when the patterns are released. We notice sleep improvement, healthier food choices, and nurturing lifestyle changes are easier to sustain. This reduces stress caused from unhealthy habitual ways of being in daily life. Stress is an unhealthy energy that is the root cause of disease in the body. Stress release allows your body's wisdom to sustain balance in the organs and systems operations in harmony with optimal health.
As a Divinely appointed Terton, a Reiki Master, and a successful health and life coach, I guide clients to become good stewards for their connection to Reiki as a loving presence. I support them to learn how to reclaim their authority with health management, mental acuity, and emotional intelligence. Self love develops naturally and they become aware of their body's ideal foods, beverages, and ways of being to support vibrant health, joyful living, and fullfilling relationships.
Development of My Gifts as a Spiritual Alchemist
I am a Terton, a carrier of the sacred Dharma, which provides a direct and clear connection with Padmasambhava, Jesus, Goddesses, and the Wisdom Dakinis in a very special personalized way. It is a joyful life mission for me to be able to share this beautiful direct personal access so others will know the same sacred wisdom teachings through the trainings we share here. As a spiritual alchemy therapist I have developed intuition over years of practice with meditation, Reiki, and applied kinesiology. The 'attunements" aka "Placements and Ignitions" aka "Spark" provide alignment with and use of Reiki symbols, spiritual symbols of all kinds when activated with these methods open the pathways to higher consciousness - each with specific purpose. In my experience after two decades of Ishaya Ascension meditation practice combined with regular use of Reiki 15 symbols and daily use of kinesiology my intuitive mind has become aware of a source of clear altruistic guidance. This is critical to identify and release the harmful energy patterns from the electro-geomagnetic field of information that are responsible for many types of life and health problems. Some are passed through your lineage.
Several essential focused ways of being have helped me develop an awareness of a new paradigm for health management based on self-empowerment. This requires a commitment to develop intuitive (inspired) awareness through the practices of Reiki spiritual energy for self and others, regular daily meditation (20 minutes), self-nurturing with delicious healthy food, and mindful intention to align with the five Usui Precepts.
Just for Today I will not worry
Just for Today, I will not anger
Just for Today, I will be grateful
Just for Today, I will earn my living honestly
Just for Today, I will honor and be kind to all living things
The Toltec Way - The Four Agreements.
Always do your best
Don't make assumptions
Never take anything personally
Always speak your truth
My self-awareness continues to be enhanced through use of a daily meditation practice I began in 2004. Ishaya Ascension is a powerful practice that releases mental stress in a natural easy way. The practice develops clarity with present moment as a broader scope of awareness enlivens multi-dimensions and all encompassing perspective. This practice has greatly enhanced my connection to High Self awareness and as a further enhancement of my intuitive awareness that guides spiritual alchemy practices.
Reiki is an integral part of my personal spiritual development complimenting and empowering guidance as a spiritual alchemy therapist. As a witness to my own and others experiences of improvements for health and life I have faith in the effectiveness of each of the spiritual alchemy practices I employ. These processes have helped me to grow my faith in an awareness that I am loved - as we all are - just as we are - seen as perfect through the eyes of an Ever-Loving Source of all Kindness, Wisdom, Respect, Forgiveness, and Unconditional Love. This awareness has become a personal truth that lives in my heart's knowing of a higher Love. This awareness has brought inner peace, contentment, and a sense of personal safety.
It has also helped me with sustained good health and a fulfilling sense of life purpose that has taken me deep into the ancient wisdom teachings of energy medicine. This quest was further driven by a desire to support my husband, Peter, in releasing symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Our journey together with these practices has provided each of us with profound healing. We co-authored a report about how Reiki and the energy release practices helped to ease Peter's Parkinson's symptoms. We each wrote from our perspective over an 18 month period from January 2016 until we published it on academia.edu on June 8, 2017. You can access the complete report by clicking Parkinson's Disease and the Human Energy System.
As an Usui Reiki practitioner and teacher over several decades of engagement I have developed a clear awareness and faith that there is a Universal force that supports us right where we are each moment so all we need to do is to tune into this truth as a way of experiencing life. With regular engagement it became easier to let go of my figuring-out mind's need to know something in advance in order to feel safe in the present moment. This developed for me an inner peace that's become unshakeable.
This quiet place within me has allowed for me to develop skills with dowsing aka pendulum testing. I invite and engage with beloved altruistic beings of wisdom who assist me to identify harmful energies trapped in the bio-field of information aka energy body. There can be personal and ancestral trapped emotions, psychic traumas, family curses, spells, miasms, and other energy patterns that cause pain, disease symptoms, dysfunction in the organs and systems, along with difficulties with clear communication, love relationships, finances, sex life, career, and more. Once these energies are identified, they are quickly cleared and released with focused intention while swiping a magnet along what's known in Chinese medicine practices as the governing meridian.
After I provide the clearings for whatever issue we are addressing I share Reiki which allows the Wisdom of Unconditional Love to engage with the person's energy field to release any additional patterns and instill harmony and balance to the system.
My Beloved Spiritual Masters, Gurus, Training, and Practices
I learned traditional Usui Reiki with my first Reiki Master, Carolyn Halima Adams, in 1994-1996, taking first, second, and master level training over two years. Reiki gave me a direct way to access God's Love. It has profoundly impacted my life because after my teen trauma heart wound of first love's suicide I had given my life to be directed by God. Reiki shared spiritual wisdom, as I managed a real estate career while I raised my three girls on my own from 1993 -2005. Reiki has directed my life to develop my skills as a Reiki Master Teacher, Practitioner, Spiritual Wisdom Teacher, and Energy Healing Therapist. I am grateful to live my life's passion and purpose knowing that my life has been healed through this perfect grace and compassionate wisdom. Reiki News Magazine published my stories: How Reiki Guided My Life, Reiki Heals a Broken Heart, and A Bridge of Love With Reiki.
In 2004 I was introduced to Ishaya Ascension Meditation, a meditation used for thousands of years reintroduced for this important time in human consciousness evolution by a group of Ishaya teacher monks who had an ashram where I lived in Lincoln City, Oregon. I learned the basics of first sphere Ascension on a weekend course and then followed through over decades of time to add in more of what is referred to as the attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion. The process involves using simple phrases of Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion to subdue and clear the stress of a busy mind. After prolonged use of the meditation, the mind comes to a place of perpetual exalted consciousness which is the perfect balance of the right and left brain functions of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This helps a great deal to develop the intuitive guidance needed for spiritual healing processes.
Om Jai Jai Sai Maa!! In 2007 I met Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi in Vail, Colorado. I had first seen her in a video and I was immediately drawn to her. I met a partner who invited me to spend a week in her grace-filled presence with spiritual expansion, healing, and lessons every day. I spent another week with her in Vail in 2008, which included a personal session and special training as a professional energy therapist. She transmitted deep personal healing. I was honored to learn a great deal about spirituality in a very broad all encompassing way with no specific religious context. I received a sacred darshan experience with Her Holiness Sai Maa in a lovely ceremony. We walked to her on our knees, gave her a rose; a symbolic gift for the precious opportunity to place our forehead at her feet to absorb her wisdom. You can watch the video of Her Holiness Sai Maa below to receive guidance for awakening to the higher realms of consciousness.
In 2010 I felt a call to go to Glastonbury, UK, to take my second Master level Usui Reiki training with William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. It was a trip of a lifetime etched in my memory forever. I felt a comfortable familiarity with the area of Glastonbury. Everywhere I went I felt the presence of Jesus and his family. I meditated at the Chalice Well Garden, climbed up Tor Hill and saw the thorn tree that had sprouted from Joseph of Aremethia's staff as written about in the bible. William Rand taught Advanced Reiki Trainings at the Abbey Retreat Center in Glastonbury and gave us the Usui Master attunement in the center of Stonehenge. I believe that Jesus was a mystic arts master who knew how to raise a vibration of Holy Love for large groups of followers and prepared himself for the crucifixtion and ascension in order to return to us at this time with new teachings that show us our true spiritual nature and abilities to do some of the things that he did like healing. We access Him through the very special trainings that I have taken, actiavtions of spiritual truth alignment found in the ignitions of Usui Holy Fire and sparks in Wisdom Dakini and Goddess Reiki that align us powerfully with the divine feminine healing aspect of compassionate wisdom.
After this amazing journey of awakening to the power of advanced Reiki I used the practices all summer to prepare me to continue my training with William when I attended a Karuna Reiki class in Seattle in the fall of that same year. In this important training he led us in a meditation, an inward vision experience, to a palace in a high place where I received a sacred symbol that I came to know as the symbol Katra. This symbol represents the Divine Feminine empowerment to enlighten the people of the earth to know their true spiritual nature and provides access to receive the ancient wisdom teachings from five Wisdom Dakinis that I became aware of years later in 2022 when Peter and I recieved the powerful Wisdom Dakini symbols just after he completed writing the book "Yeshe".
From there I began teaching and sharing Reiki healing sessions more actively. I began a new course of studies with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition as I built a practice as a certified Health and Life Coach, Reiki therapist, and instructor. The Institute introduced me to a very important concept of health - that we are each a bio-individual! There is no one person exactly like another so regardless of the diagnosis given we each have a unique blueprint for how the situation with our health occured and what each of us would need to resolve it. This impacts my relationship with the intelligence of the bio-field aka energy blueprint and the import to development of intuitively guided kinesiology to identify the patterns to release which further develops intuition to connect with our Altruistic guides who inform us of what to do in Reiki and energy release therapy sessions.
I worked for five years as a Health and Life Coach and Usui Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher in the Salem and Portland, Oregon areas. I gave many talks and workshop events, and appeared on several radio shows. Then in summer of 2015 I reconnected with an old friend, Peter Huhtala. He was in need of spiritual healing to help with Parkinson's symptoms.
I had found and cleared an energy pattern called a heart wall. It consisted of trapped emotional energies from my grandparents in my heart chakra. Once discovered and released I was able to feel the real experience of giving and receiving expressions of love.
My beloved husband, Peter and Holy Fire Reiki came to my life in 2015. It was so easy to fall in love with my childhood friend! A newly evolved style of Reiki called Holy Fire® came into my life in November of 2015 just a few months after I started dating my husband Peter. Peter was ready for Reiki! He immediately connected with the grace and peace and found improvement in his sleep. We both noticed that adding in Holy Fire® II Reiki combined with Usui and Karuna Reiki® provided the most significant reversal of symptoms of what was diagnosed for Peter in 2003 as "Parkinson's Disease". I was guided to use other therapy practices combined with Reiki to reduce and heal symptoms. We both have followed the continually evolving Holy Fire® Reiki to the most recent upgrade in April 2020, Online Holy Fire® III Reiki. It has been a remarkable recovery story for Peter! Just 18 months after his first encounter with Reiki he wrote an article about his journey with PD and our love connection that was published in Winter 2016 issue of Reiki News Magazine. Parkinsons Disease An Opportunity for Reiki Healing. Since then it has only gotten better and better.Flash forward to present day and he still uses Reiki and Wisdom Dakini practices to effectively manage his symptoms each day. We've noticed that his symptoms have almost completely disappeared and he has been reducing his medications. When we first started Holy Love Reiki services together in January 2016 we began documenting his progress with use of Reiki and other intutively guided energy release therapies to subdue his daily symptoms. It was published on acedemia on June 9, 2017. We recently made it available as a book publication on Amazon. Parkinsons and Human Energy Systems
As I said, my husband, Peter, took to Reiki immediately and his experience brought him into contact with his root guru, Master Padmasambhava. He introduced me to Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsoygal, and the Wisdom Dakinis in 2016. Shortly after we moved in together he was inspired to write a screenplay about Yeshe and her life in eighth century Tibet where she became enlightened after meeting and following the Lotus Born Master Padmasamhava. I had never heard of them before. Flash forward five years to spring of 2022 he wrote and published the book "Yeshe" taken from the screenplay. At that time I became awakened to my relationship to the Great Master Padmasambhava and Yeshe along with four other amazing Wisdom Dakinis, Tashi, Kalasiddhi, Shakya Devi, and Mandarava. Along with this amazing realization came five symbolic keys to give us access to each of them and the ancient Buddhist wisdom teachings they share. The symbol that was given to me in the meditation in my Karuna Reiki class in 2010 became a very important part of my connection with these five Wisdom Dakinis and also to my regular Usui Reiki practice. We've been shown to use the Katra symbol to activate the five Wisdom Dakini symbols and the three Usui Reiki symbols in the spirit body in a teaching which we've come to know as Usui Goddess Reiki. Once Wisdom Dakini symbols are activated they provide a direct link to each of the Wisdom Dakini teachers of ancient Buddhist Teachings that are gradually and easily introduced into the person's consciousness to develop a more wise and compassionate way of being.
I am also known as Mahaseva Devi, This translates to "Great Service Goddess". This is because of the work that I have come to do with the collective conscious field of information as clearings and dedications - creating opportunities for new choice and always aligned with each person's free will. This practice and all of the practices that I use always honor human free will.
Call or Text me to schedule an energy therapy session or inquire about receiving spiritual training at 503-706-0908 or email at [email protected].
Get more enjoyment from life: at the end of each day, appreciate the events that brought you the most joy. Count all of the things you accomplished that day and give yourself a big hug of gratitude.